Portfolio Trading

Efficient access to global capital markets to help drive your strategy forward.

Our Portfolio Trading platform combines trading expertise, quantitative workflow tools and multiple liquidity sources to provide you with performance-driven results across the basket. We deliver our capabilities to clients across traditional active asset managers, quantitative funds, and passive/index funds – each with varying goals, requirements and benchmarks.


Access our state-of-the-art electronic trading tools through ScotiaRED.

Advanced Quantitative Trading Platform

We can dynamically optimize trading schedules and manage portfolio skews to reduce overall risk and minimize opportunity costs during complex rebalance trades, providing detailed pre- and post-trade reports as required.

Coordination Across Desks

Our Portfolio Trading team seamlessly coordinates with our Agency and Liability trading desks to source desirable high-touch liquidity when appropriate for the trade’s overall objectives.

Index Research

We provide in-depth content related to Americas index events (Canada, U.S., Latin America) to help institutional investors and corporate management teams navigate liquidity opportunities stemming from major benchmark changes.

Speak to our professionals

We have local expertise in each market where we operate

Gaurav Sharma
Director and Head, Canadian Program Trading

Phone: 416-863-5965

Jason Nardella
Director, U.S. Program Trading

Phone: 212-225-6617

Tiffany Sayavong
Associate Director, Canadian Program Trading

Phone: 416-863-7511